StubBuilder – Automatically Inject stubs into constructor for complex object using the builder pattern

The Builder Pattern is used to construct a complex object. It can looks something like this:

var thingProvider = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IThingProvider>();

thingProvider.Stub(x => ...)

IOrderService orderService = (new OrderServiceBuilder())

This is a simple example where I want to create an IOrderService with all default (stubbed) dependencies except I want to override the ThingProvider (one of its dependencies) with a stub that I have supplied.

However I have had go and make a OrderServiceBuilder and add a method for each of its dependencies. This is too much effort.

I commonly create builders in my unit tests because it saves me having to supply mocks to the OrderServices constructor for each test. I only override the dependencies that I need to fulfill the test I am writing thereby making my test code DRY.

To make my life easier and my code even more DRY I decided to create a generic builder that will automatically inject stubs for all the dependencies but allow me to replace them if I want to.

The constructor for the (simplified) type under test looks like:

public OrderService(IThingProvider thingProv, ISomeOtherProvider someOtherProv)
 _thingProv = thingProv;
 _someOtherProv = someOtherProv;

You should only need to replace the dependencies that you require to complete the test that you are conducting:

IThingProvider mockThingProvider = new ConcreteThingProvider();

IOrderService orderService = (new StubBuilder<IOrderService, OrderService>())

This is the solution that I came to. It uses a internal UnityContainer to resolve the type under test. The stub builder will register all of the types in the constructor with mock instances. I use Rhino Mocks to make the stubs.

public class StubBuilder<TInterface, TImplementation> where TImplementation : TInterface
    protected readonly IUnityContainer Container;

    public StubBuilder()
        Container = new UnityContainer();

        var typeOfImplementation = typeof(TImplementation);
        var constructor = typeOfImplementation.GetConstructors().First();

        foreach (var parameter in constructor.GetParameters())
            Container.RegisterInstance(parameter.ParameterType, MockRepository.GenerateStub(parameter.ParameterType));

        Container.RegisterType(typeof(TInterface), typeof(TImplementation));

    public TInterface Build()
        return Container.Resolve<TInterface>();

    public StubBuilder<TInterface, TImplementation> With<TDependency>(TDependency dependency)
        Container.RegisterInstance(typeof(TDependency), dependency);
        return this;

The With method will overwrite the currently registered ‘stub’ instance with an instance of the callers choice.

I will never (or at least not as often) have to create another builder that injects stubs again.

This StubBuilder will cater for most of the times I need to create a builder, however it does have its limitations. Currently it only supports a single constructor and if the object under test has dependencies that cannot be stubbed I will have to revert back to the old method. I am however happy with it for now.